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Who am I?

I grew up in a farming comunity outside of Buffalo, where my parents taught calculus and physcis at the town high school. I developed a wanderlust from passing the time, while snowed in, by looking at my father's pictures of Europe from his time in the US Army. After college I moved to New York City, but soon understood the saying, "you don't live in New York you survive it."


At that point point in my life I began to understand the need to give back and went into teaching for five years. This was some of the most rewarding times of my professional career and where I learned how to get the most out of others and to communicate in ways that make connections to those you are trying to sway to your views.


The personal computing revolution was really starting to take off and I wanted to be a part of the future. I joined an IT services company and wihtin a year was offered the opportunity to go to Europe and help start their European Offices. I loved this role and helped the company grow from three resources to more than 200 in five years. I was very fortunate to travel around northern Europe and experience different cultures.


I learned from my travels that the USA is the greatest country on Earth and wanted the kids to attend school at home to grow up as Americans. I returned to the USA and after working again in the New York City area learned that Dallas was a boom town full of opportunity. I joined a new company that allowed me to have a base for the kids and still travel the world.


After more than a decade in Dallas we live in a great neighborhood with fantastic friends. I wasn't born here, but I got here as quickly as I could. I am looking forward to the next phases of my professional and personal life. Stay tuned to see what happens next!


The kids are the center of my personal life these days. My interestes are theirs and I watch many events, concerts and plays. I've learned alot about the world of kid's social media and music. Yet, I find that I cannot win at any videos games!


I have always been a fan of photography. It started when I helped my father develop pictures in the dark room at school, to a stint as the sports photograhper for my college newspaper and yearbook. The digital world is a boon to shutterbugs. Now my biggest problem is sorting through hundreds of stills to find the best ones instead of spending hours of prep to set up the one right shot.


Tennis is the other love of my life. I started as a varsity player for four years in high school and played #1 singles. I played against a few great players and realized I wasn't one of them. I enjoyed playing tournaments and coached the girls team where I taught high school. I vowed to see all the grand slam tournaments in person. I have been to the US Open and Wimbledon. Paris and Melbourne are next.


We are a brady bunch family. My lovely wife and five kids, all very different people with diverse interests. They range the gammit from theater production to nuclear engineering. This keeps us on our toes. My wife works in medicine  with critically ill patients. She is a saint and we need more people like her. The nest is almost empty now. One Kid has her PhD, one is working at a secret government facility, one starting undergrad, and the last two are seniors in high school. What will I do with all my free time!

Favorite Quote

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine. As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.”

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